You have landed on OM-OB Cleaning and Janitorial Services events page. This page is dedicated to events our company will attend as well as events we are planning for our company. We are excited about supporting local businesses and being a part of events that promote our business and new entrepreneurs. Attending these events will help growth and strength to the success of our business. Continue to land on this page for exciting things to come.
Current Events
OM-OB will be attending this event 03/30/2017
Check out event photos, click contact us, then events then Build Expo 03/30/2017
Upcoming Events
We are excited to be attending this event 04/19/2017
Small Business Expo 2017 – Washington D.C.
Wednesday, April 19, 2017
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Hall C 801 Mt Vernon Place NW Washington, 20001
OM-OB Scheduled Events
No scheduled events…check back.